We are in need of AA members on the “outside” to correspond with AA members in correctional facilities. If you are interested in this very rewarding form of Twelfth Step work. For more information click on the links below.
Corrections Pamphlets and Forms
Disclaimer: Our outside links do not constitute or indicate review, endorsement or approval
Corrections Correspondence – ENG
Corrections Correspondence – ESP
AA Corrections Prerelease Form – Outside
AA Corrections Prelease Form – Inside
All District Corrections Chairpersons, a Chairperson, Alternate Chairperson, and Secretary/Treasurer elected by the Area Corrections Committee and approved by Area Committee from rotating‐out Corrections Committee.
Offers forum to Districts for sharing their experience in carrying the AA message into correction facilities. Reviews service literature and workbooks. Acts as the communication channel to and from the Florida Department of Corrections (D.O.C.). Is also a communication channel to and from the Corrections desk at G.S.O.
Holds quarterly meetings where Districts may share their experience. Holds quarterly workshops. Communicates with Area Delegate. Represents Area 15 at workshops conducted by Area 14 and alternately host Area 15 workshops once a year for Area 14. Reports activities to Area Committee.