Current Practice
This Committee is co‐chaired by the two immediate Past Delegates and four current District Committee Members (DCMs), selected by the Co‐Chairs, serve on the Committee. The Area Chairperson is an ex‐officio member of the Committee.
Updates the Book of Motions and the Book of Current Practices quarterly. Updates the Legacy of Service at the end of even numbered years.
Holds quarterly meetings to fulfill its responsibilities. Maintains the books electronically, which are available on this page and in the documents tab. Presents a report of Committee activities orally at the Area business meeting and in written form for inclusion in the Area minutes. Provides the Area Finance Committee with an annual request for funds at budget time.
Book of Motions
The Book of Motions is a chronological record of every motion that has come before the Area body for discussion, along with the result of the motion – withdrawn, passed or failed.
Motion Guide Motion Flowchart
Order of Motions
Book of Current Practices
The Book of Current Practices is a document which includes only the motions which dictate how Area 15 functions today. Obsolete motions are not included in the Book of Current Practices.
To clarify, let?s look at a simple example…
Motion A passes for the Treatment Committee to receive $100 every quarter for the purchase of literature. At that point in time, Motion A would be the current practice. However, a few years later, Motion B passes for the Treatment Committee to receive $200 every quarter for the purchase of literature. Clearly, Motion B supersedes Motion A.? At that point, Motion A would be removed from the Book of Current Practices and only Motion B would remain, as that is the current practice.
How to create (and format) a book of current practice and motions: Word Excel
Legacy of Service
The Legacy of Service is the collected experience of the Committee Chairs and Area Officers.
Area officers as well as committee chairs may update their legacy of service via this link.
Upcoming events:
Current practice placement of motions: Aug. 27, 2024 6:00 pm Eastern time:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 2029 0798
Passcode: area15cp
Current practice Workshop: Topic: Third Legacy Procedure
Sept. 10, 2024 6:00 pm Eastern time:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 2029 0798
Passcode: area15cp