Delegates Corner
Area 15 Delegate responsibilities:
- Attends the annual General Service Conference fully prepared to represent South Florida Area 15 and is involved in all aspects of the Conference structure throughout the year.
- Regularly and consistently communicates the actions of the Conference to members of the Area.
- Helps the Area generate greater interest among A.A. members in serving as GSRs and DCMs and in Area positions and inspires greater participation in Area assemblies and other activities among GSRs and DCMs.
- Encourages greater Seventh Tradition support for the Area, the General Service Board, and other local service entities.
- Provides leadership in solving local problems involving the A.A. Traditions.
- Passes along calls for résumés for trustee and nontrustee director positions as requested by the General Service Office.
- Attends South Florida Area 15 assemblies, presents an oral report at the business meeting on service activities performed as Delegate during the preceding quarter and provides a written report to the Area Recording Secretary for inclusion in the minutes.
- Regularly communicates with District Chairpersons, Area Committee Chairpersons, Area Officers, Alternate Delegate and Past Delegates all information coming from the General Service Office and the General Service Board.
- Keeps the Area 15 Alternate Delegate fully informed of all Delegate activities and asks for assistance when needed.
- Attends online meetings with full Conference, Delegates-only meetings, and meetings with Southeast Regional Trustee.
- Utilizes the General Service Conference electronic messaging system maintained by GSO to access Conference-related information.
- Attends and participates in district events throughout Area 15 at the invitation of District Chairpersons.
- Cooperates with GSO in obtaining information from groups for records and periodic membership surveys.
- Creates a plan for sharing information about Conference agenda items/background material with members of South Florida Area 15 ahead of the April Area 15 assembly.
- Works with the Area 15 Web Servant to create a dedicated environment on the Area 15 website for all materials related to the General Service Conference.
- Works with designated Area 15 translator to translate all materials for Area 15 website from English to Spanish.
- Distributes preliminary and final General Service Conference agendas upon receipt to District Chairpersons, Area Committee Chairpersons, Area Officers, Alternate Delegate and Past Delegates.
- Distributes General Service Conference background material upon receipt to District Chairpersons, Area Committee Chairpersons, Area Officers, Alternate Delegate and Past Delegates.
- Chairs General Service Conference agenda review at April Area 15 assembly to obtain a sense of the body on agenda items.
- Coordinates with District Chairpersons on a plan to provide a report to their members following the General Service Conference.
- Provides post-Conference reports as desired by District Chairpersons.
- Distributes the Final Conference Report to District Chairpersons.
- Provides a financial report at first assembly of the year of previous year’s Delegate’s expenses.
- Chairs the Area 15 business meeting in the absence of the Area Chairperson.
- Provides request for funding to the Area 15 Finance Committee by July 31 of each year.
- Submits a quarterly expense report, including all receipts, to the Area Treasurer.
- Returns all unspent budgeted funds to the Area Treasurer prior to Dec. 31 of each year.
- Updates Delegate’s position description by July 31 of even-numbered years to ensure a smooth transition from panel to panel.
- Presents Delegate’s responsibilities at Third Legacy Review session at Area 15 assemblies in October of even-numbered years.
- Facilitates election assembly for Delegate, Alternate Delegate, Area Chairperson, Area Treasurer, Area Registrar and Area Recording Secretary in October of even-numbered years as well as election for candidate for Southeast Regional Trustee and Trustee at Large U.S. when applicable.
- Reviews responsibilities of Delegate with incoming Delegate following Area 15 elections in even-numbered years and hands off relevant materials prior to the start of the new panel.
- Attends Florida State Convention every year.
- Attends Southeast Delegates’ Get-together every year.
- Attends Southeast Regional Forum in even-numbered years.
- Attends Southern States of Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly in odd-numbered years.
- Attends A.A. International Convention every five years.
- Upon rotation, serves as a member of the Area 15 Finance Committee.
- Optional: Upon rotation, may chair the Area 15 Current Practice Committee.
Suggested qualifications for Area 15 Delegate from Area 15 current practice and the A.A. Service Manual:
- Present or past District Committee Member.
- Five years of continuous sobriety.
- Sufficient time to attend and prepare for the weeklong General Service Conference, as well as the efforts needed before and after the Conference.
- Sufficient time to attend all other events noted above.
- Active participation in local and Area affairs and a demonstrated sense of responsibility beyond the group level.
- Experience in chairing business or service meetings.
- Knowledge of A.A. affairs and the ability to research information for members.
- An understanding of the experiences, viewpoints and group conscience of Area 15.
- Thorough familiarity with the Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts and how they can be applied to local problems.
- Ability to be open-minded and listen to different points of view.
- Willingness to communicate with A.A. members and other Delegates to discuss and act on matters vital to the Fellowship.
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