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Treatment Committee Workbook
Bridging The Gap
Temporary Contact – Bridging the Gap Request
A.A. Guidelines on Treatment Facilitiies – mg-14
All Treatment Facilities Committee chairpersons in the South Florida Area. Chairperson, Alternate Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer, and Literature Coordinator are elected in Committee using Third Legacy Procedure. The newly elected officers are approved by South Florida Area Conference.
Offers forum to Districts for sharing their experience in carrying the AA message into Treatment facilities. Maintains a supply of AA literature pertinent to the Committee’s purpose. Reviews service literature and workbooks and coordinates Bridging the Gap activities.
Holds quarterly meetings where Districts may share their experience. Sends out minutes and maintains phone contact numbers for Bridging the Gap activity. Communication channel to and from the Treatment Facilities desk at G.S.O. Communicates with Area Delegate. Provides the Finance Committee with any request for funds. Presents an oral and written report at the South Florida Area business meeting. Presents a Committee Treasurer’s report at the South Florida Area business meeting. These reports are included in the South Florida Area Minutes.