Remote Communities
Remote Communities Newsletter Spring 2023
English | Spanish | French
The Chairperson and Secretary/Treasurer are elected in Committee using the Third Legacy procedure. Newly elected officers are presented for approval at the Area business meeting. Other voting members may include one representative from each District.
Offers a forum for the Districts to share their experience in carrying the A.A. message to their remote communities. Assist each other in the creation and operation of effective Remote Community Committees.
Holds quarterly meetings where Districts may share their experience. Each District submits a written report of District Remote Community activities which becomes a part of the Committee minutes. Serves as a communication channel to and from the Remote Communities Committee meeting which takes place on the Saturday Morning before the Conference at G.S.O. Communicates with the Area Delegate. Presents a report of Committee activities orally at the Area business meeting and in written form for inclusion in the Area minutes.