All District Grapevine/La Vina Chairpersons, Committee Chairperson, Secretary and the Committee Treasurer are elected in Committee from Third‐Legacy procedure and approved by the Area Committee.
Offers a forum for Districts to share their experience in carrying the message and materials. Maintains a supply of Grapevine materials and subscriptions for selling at Area 15 Committee meeting weekends. Maintains old issues of Grapevines and La Vinas donated by the Districts for exchange between the Districts at a Grapevine/La vina Swap held Quarterly or semi Quarterly, time permitting, after the Committee meeting.
Holds quarterly meetings where Grapevine/La Vina experience is shared. Donates Grapevine subscription to host District for raffle on Saturday Night at Quarterlies. Communicates with Grapevine/La Vina office in New York City. Reports activities to Area Committee. The Grapevine/La Vina Committee is self supporting through passing the basket in the Committee meeting on Saturday and any profit derived from sales of Grapevine/La Vina materials at the Quarterlies.
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