- All current District Accessibilities Chairpersons, the Area Accessibilities Committee
- Chairperson, the Alternate Chairperson and the Secretary/Treasurer are voting members of the Area Accessibilities Committee. The Area Accessibilities Committee Chairperson votes on area business for the committee. The Area Alternate Accessibilities Committee Chairperson votes on area business for the committee only in the absence of the Chairperson at the area.
- The Committee Chairperson, Alternate Chairperson, and the Secretary-Treasurer are elected officers of the Committee and are elected in Committee using the Third Legacy Procedure every two years at the October voting assembly weekend Area Accessibility Committee meeting.
- Offers a forum for Districts to share their experience in carrying the message about the Accessibilities Committee.
- The Committee reviews Accessibilities Agenda Items for the General Service Conference and gives the Area Delegate the committee’s recommendations.
- The Committee also discusses how to put the recommendations from the General Service Conference into practice.
- As per motion (#777, passed 4/2014: That the South Florida Area 15 increase the budget from $5000.00 to $8000.00 for professional American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter services for the deaf and hard of hearing. This will replace motion #687 that passed in January 2012. The budget includes interpreter services when requested at the quarterly assembly for the Friday and Saturday night speaker meetings, the Saturday morning Accessibilities meeting and the Sunday assembly. Interpretation for other assembly workshops will be available upon request. Interpreter rates are not to exceed $75.00 per hour per interpreter. Travel funding will be either half of the interpreter rate, the standard IRS mileage rate or lodging. Interpreter services will be determined by the Area 15 Accessibilities
- The Committee meets in person at each General Service Assembly and may meet on an on- line platform between Assemblies.
- Each District is given the opportunity to present and submit a written report of District Accessibilities activities, which becomes a part of the committee
- Agenda items for committee meetings may include any and all items related to the scope of the committee. As time allows, workshops are held to review and discuss sections of the Accessibilities Workbook and emerging practices.
- In April of each year, the agenda items for the General Service Conference pertaining to accessibilities are discussed. A sense of opinion of the committee may be agreed upon by discussion and vote, to then be given to the Delegate by the Chairperson.
- Review annual budget to present to the Area Finance Committee by the October Assembly each year.
- Review annually the Legacy of Service document and report any or no changes to the Current Practice Committee
Officer Descriptions
Responsibilities of Area 15 Accessibilities Committee officers
● Prepares meeting agenda and chairs the quarterly committee meeting.
● Responsible for relaying any information from the Accessibilities desk at our General Service Office to
● Presents a report of Committee activities orally at the Area business meeting and in written form for
inclusion in the Area minutes.
● Give Committee recommendations on agenda items for the General Service Conference regarding
Accessibilities to Area Delegate at the Area Assembly.
● Committee Chair receives one night’s lodging from Area 15 treasurer.Suggested qualifications for Area 15 Accessibilities Committee Chairperson:
● Three years of continuous sobriety
● One year of Accessibilities Committee experience or two years of any standing committee experience
Alternate Chairperson
● Performs the duties of the Committee Chairperson when Committee Chairperson is absent.
● Alternate Committee Chair receives one night’s lodging from Area 15 treasurer when the Committee
Chairperson is absent.
Suggested qualifications for Area 15 Accessibilities Committee Alternate Chairperson:
● Three years of continuous sobriety
● One year of Accessibilities Committee experience or two years of any standing committee experience
● Attends all quarterly committee meetings and passes and maintains sign-in sheet.
● Keeps a record of District Chairpersons contact information for purposes of communication.
● Takes notes and records proceedings of the committee meetings and sends to all persons on the sign-in
sheet plus the Area Chairperson and Area Recording Secretary, while maintaining confidentiality.
● Requests funds from the Area treasurer when required.
● Reports committee expenses verbally at the Area business meeting and written form for inclusion in the
Area minutes
● Secretary/Treasurer receives one night’s lodging from Area 15 treasurer.
Suggested qualifications for Area 15 Accessibilities Secretary/Treasurer:
● Three years of continuous sobriety
● One year of Accessibilities Committee experience or two years of any standing committee experience