1) Content shall include and be limited to the following AA literature:
i) 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts;
ii) A.A. Preamble;
iii) “I Am Responsible” and “Declaration of Unity” statement;
b) Information on Area Assemblies, including the upcoming host district’s flyer.
c) Hyperlinks to any AA World Services websites, such as the
i) General Service Offices, located at;
ii) The Grapevine, located at
d) Links to any Intergroup/District located within area 15 that wishes to include their website link on the Area 15 website. A disclaimer shall be located on the same page as the links.
e) Anonymous e-mail boxes and addresses of the Area 15 panel, officers, committee chairs and district chairs (e.g.,, etc.);
f) A “Delegates Corner” to be used by the Area Delegate for communication with the Area;
g) Individual pages for any Area 15 Standing Committees and area officials as they may request, each responsible to submit updated information for their individual pages to the web site committee.
h) Information on Area 15 events, workshops and activities.
i) Group GSO number search page.
j) Post the scrubbed Area 15 minutes and agenda each quarter in the password protected section of the Area 15 Web Site.
k) Post the updated and scrubbed current practices, along with an updated book of motions to the website committee yearly, when submitted to the website committee by January 31st by the current practices committee.
l) A disclaimer to be found upon exiting the website to the above listed links;
1) To create an Area Standing Committee responsible for the creation and maintenance of the website;
2) This committee shall select a chair, alternate chair, secretary/treasurer and web servant; each carries one vote within the committee;
a) Chair / Alternate Chair – three (3) years sobriety and at least one (1) year of serving on this Committee. These members should be DCM’s, or ACM’s. If necessary, GSR’s may serve. All members should be familiar with A.A.’s Traditions. Some technical knowledge about the internet is advantageous, but not required.
b) Secretary / Treasurer – 2 years sobriety, past/present GSR and 1 year participation in the committee.
c) Web Servant – 2 years sobriety, past/present GSR and 1 year participation in the committee, with sufficient technical knowledge to maintain the area 15 website.
3) The committee chair, secretary/treasurer and web servant shall receive one night’s lodging, unless otherwise funded.
4) Each District may select a representative; each carries one vote.
5) Some technical knowledge about the internet/web sites is a plus.
6) These members will not be funded by the Area;
7) The Alternate Delegate shall be a member, ex officio.
8) The yearly budget for maintenance be $250.00.
1) In the spirit of cooperation, the webservant would be responsible for preparing a quarterly report to be presented for consideration to the PI/CPC committee which shall include:
a) updates to the website,
b) website activity,
c) summary of requests and correspondence.
2) Any major change or addition of the website’s content must be approved by the Area 15 body.
3) The website committee will be given a maximum of 7 days to vote among themselves (email/phone to chair) to ‘Approve’ or ‘Deny’ the posting or changing new materials for the Area 15 web site and then 7 days for the web servant to do the update for a total of 2 weeks processing time.
4) Materials posted on the Area 15 website shall bear only first names and the first letter of the last name of the Delegate, Alternate Delegate Officers of South Florida Area 15, and any other person and their email addresses as routed through the Area Website with the exception of the inclusion of P.O. Box addresses on the Agenda to be available to mail donations to the treasurer and mail documents to the registrar.
5) The web committee chair person shall also present a report to the Area body during the Area Business Meeting; the report will include the username and password to the secure area every quarter to be included in the minutes.
6) The website shall be maintained in accordance with the Traditions, the Concepts and Area 15’s current practices.
Respectfully submitted by Website Committee.